I'm here in Austin.. and I believe Shutterbug is up near you! There are a few in San Antonio, too...
i have read this site many times, and i have even mentioned a few times before under the name dissedsis that i am from the panhandle area of texas.....ie amarillo area, and it seems that i can not find anyone else around this area that were witnesses in this area.
I'm here in Austin.. and I believe Shutterbug is up near you! There are a few in San Antonio, too...
h2o and watchtower observer were the ones that helped me the most.
of course, jwd is the best discussion forum on the net.
I had actually been out for years, but didn't confront my internal conflicts until I signed on to the Internet in 1994 or so.... (before World Wide Web) and found a mailing list for former XJW's called PHILIA. I met a lot of wonderful and encouraging people on there who helped me through my own suicide attempt, my own confusion and immense depression. Some of the members from Norway, including Kent Steinhaug, sent me flowers when I went into the hospital.. and that really made me feel special and loved. Randy Watters also spent a lot of time snail mailing me, talking to me on the phone, and emailing. When his site went up, it helped me immensely. And if I didn't say thank you then, I thank them profusely now for the care and love they showed for helping bring me through to the other side.
Country Girl
ok, im bored - really bored.
this is my favorate breed of dog................ whats yours?.
also, are you a cat or a dog person?
I love em all.. I had a nice black lab that I found on the road. I loved that dog. However, someone stole him from me after he was 5 months old. My husband *hates* dogs, so I only get to have one when I find one.. because he knows that for me, it's important to save an animal from destruction.
I have three cats.. and I love them to death. I see an individual personality in each of them and appreciate that.
Country Girl
like lots of readers here, i take an entirely unhealthy interest in the doings of our resident prophet you know.
i notice that he's not been around for a month or two and this is a time of year he loves, he's always prophesying something for october!
so, why the silence?
Naw.. he's prolly just out in the barn yard throwing pearls (the freshwater ones, cuz they're cheaper) before his swine.
Country Girl
lets post somethings as a dub you dont say:.
luck, you dont say party, its a get together.
you dont go to church, its a hall
Couldn't refer to the Hall as a Church (think someone already said that);
Well.. don't know any more but this whole conversation is striking me as RIDICULOUS -- from a worldly person's view. I wonder what people must think when they read all this stuff, it's just so silly. It's all semantics... for which the double-standard, double-crossed, double talk world of the JW is famous for. Do we realize how ridiculous it all sounds now? Can't say this and this word, can't do this and this thing cuz it might bring demons.. it all sounds so surreal and unhuman to me now, like I can't even believe I was part of a world like this. A paranoid closed door society that used such ancient and barbarian tactics to keep control on its flock. This is stuff that novels are made of, for pete's sake!
Well, we all know that what the JW's said in their literature "officially" and what they said in private were two entirely different things.. we can all attest to that. They don't discourage this behavior, in fact they foster it in the congregations because it provides "extra" fear.
Country Girl
i was going through my closet today and came across a box of old pictures.
some of them had this girl i used to be friends with in them.
we were friends in school and after graduation she was one of the only people i cared to stay in touch with.
The whole carpet cleaning thing sounds a bit odd, if you ask me! That doesn't even make the remotest bit of sense for someone to think someone else is conspiring to clean their carpets. Hell.. if that was true I wish someone would conspire to break in and clean *my* carpets! My brother has schizophrenia. It started when he was about 19. He had become close friends with one of the sisters and she had gone up to Maine for the summer. They talked on the phone frequently, and ran up a huge phone bill in my parents' name. My Father was livid. The girl said their agreement was that he'd pay for the calls, he said she would. She came back and took the complaint to the elders. My brother was so stressed from this event that it seemed to trigger the schizophrenia. He began to smoke and hang out in gay bars, much to the dismay of the elders who promptly disfellowshipped him.
He began listening to air vents out of air conditioners and hearing voices. The stress was something that seemed to aggravate what might have already been developing. It sounds as if your friend may have some type of severe depression or other type of mental illness to have such irrational thinking.
Country Girl
the september 15th watchtower says: "seeds of doubt can be sown by the media, through the internet,and by modern--day apostates.
" please explain.
I'm from Texas State.. not Apo State. =( Apo is a state of mind.
Country Girl
i have wanted to post this photo of myself, with bill, taken a year and a half ago, for a long time.
he kept telling me not to, since dateline hadn't aired yet.
i came across it today, and decided i could do it now.
heheheh.. the picture, at least on my computer, that is small looks like bill has a mustache and a severely off center goatee. <grinz> Maybe we could get the bigger picture?? <pun grin>
Country Girl
this is what was found on amazon.com they sell this book freely and just read the ill reviews!!!!
this book openly invites pedophiles!
boycott amazon and make them take responsiblity for offering this book for sale.
Edited by - country girl on 29 September 2002 9:3:11
it took about seven hours and putting 170 miles on my car, but i finished up all of the kh's i was assigned by lin and jesika (not very biblical for them to take the lead over a man like that!
irving- 2804 rock island roadeuless/bedford- 490 westpark way (off 183/121 junction)grapevine- 3408 hall johnson road (off pool road)flower mound- 4611 kirkpatrick lanekeller- 2049 willis lanearlington- 5700 kelly elliott road ...... - 1115 w. park row drivegrand prarie- 2330 corn valley roadfarmers branch- 2400 havenhurst avenue .
three of them had jws there.
Oh well... you know Lin and Jesika... ALPHA SISTERS. hehhehe. Glad you were able to cover so many Kingdom Halls up there, Elsewhere! Congratulations... and you guys in Dallas/Ft. Worth keep up the good work. Hopefully, I can find some former dubs in Austin and do some stuff, too! Great job!
Country Girl